Quote of the Week
Feb 25, 2010
We Might Actually Win.....nevermind
The frustrations of being a Minnesota sports fan were not given a break last night as the Gophers lost to Purdue in basketball after leading most of the 2nd half and having a couple bounces just not go quite their way in the end. Here's the story from the Star Trib.
Feb 23, 2010
Quick Musings about Everything Sport
It's been a long time since either of us has posted but the life of a college kid isn't all what it is cracked out to be and we have both been quite busy. I do have a test at 12:30 but there is nothing like putting off studying with a quick post, right?
First, I have been completely engrossed in the Winter Olympics over the course of the past week and a half. I have watched everything from men's hockey to the biathlon to figure skating. I am a nut for sports and I can only hope they have the Olympics in heaven.
The USA men's hockey team posted a great upset the other night of Canada and it was one of the best hockey games I have ever watched. Easily, it was the best game I have ever watched on tv. I wasn't alive when the "Miracle on Ice" took place (I do own the movie, however) but this isn't close to as big of an upset as that was.
Bode Miller is NOT back. He has never been at this level before so how can people say he is actually back. I am enjoying watching his successes but when he does it again at the next Winter Olympics after a drought at the World Cup, or some similar large event, then HE WILL BE BACK.
The USA women's hockey team is maybe more impressive than the men's. After defeating Sweden 9-1 yesterday afternoon they are now set to play in the Gold Medal game Thursday afternoon, having outscored their opponents 40-2. I don't think I speak for myself when I say that beating Canada for the Gold Medal would go a long way in our country's pride, and it would diminish Canada's to less than nothing. If Canada lost to the United States TWICE in hockey in a three day period, a sport which they claim to have invented, how could they possibly look people in the eye. If you admired Ovechkin's goal he made last year passing it off the boards to himself that made highlights around the world, here is one that gives him a run for his money.
Having lost three games in a row, do the Cleveland Cavaliers have a must win game tonight against New Orleans? I wouldn't say so...but Shaq, The Diesel, The Big Aristotle, The Big Daddy, etc., has hardly played like Superman lately and a flashback to his prime could help get the team and Prince James back on track. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the Cavs, or Shaq, or the Prince for that matter, but I do enjoy watching some good basketball and having them play well will help my chances to see a good game.
I can't help but have one North Carolina bash on here especially when it is something this good. I don't remember who posted it but there was a facebook status awhile back saying this, "The women's national championship game has now been set, UCONN women vs. North Carolina men." We all know Carolina actually isn't that bad but this year they have brought it on themselves.
Hey, the Gophers are bringing a winning streak to the Barn this Wednesday night against 4th rated Purdue. A win and a good showing in the Big Ten tourney, and they could be legitimately on the bubble for the NCAA tourney.
Check out this 4 second pin. I don't know if I've seen more of a dominant performance. The best thing is, the kid called it. Here's the article on that.
Hope you all have a good rest of the week and keep tuned into the Olympics. It is a rare event that we all should embrace.
First, I have been completely engrossed in the Winter Olympics over the course of the past week and a half. I have watched everything from men's hockey to the biathlon to figure skating. I am a nut for sports and I can only hope they have the Olympics in heaven.
The USA men's hockey team posted a great upset the other night of Canada and it was one of the best hockey games I have ever watched. Easily, it was the best game I have ever watched on tv. I wasn't alive when the "Miracle on Ice" took place (I do own the movie, however) but this isn't close to as big of an upset as that was.
Bode Miller is NOT back. He has never been at this level before so how can people say he is actually back. I am enjoying watching his successes but when he does it again at the next Winter Olympics after a drought at the World Cup, or some similar large event, then HE WILL BE BACK.
The USA women's hockey team is maybe more impressive than the men's. After defeating Sweden 9-1 yesterday afternoon they are now set to play in the Gold Medal game Thursday afternoon, having outscored their opponents 40-2. I don't think I speak for myself when I say that beating Canada for the Gold Medal would go a long way in our country's pride, and it would diminish Canada's to less than nothing. If Canada lost to the United States TWICE in hockey in a three day period, a sport which they claim to have invented, how could they possibly look people in the eye. If you admired Ovechkin's goal he made last year passing it off the boards to himself that made highlights around the world, here is one that gives him a run for his money.
Having lost three games in a row, do the Cleveland Cavaliers have a must win game tonight against New Orleans? I wouldn't say so...but Shaq, The Diesel, The Big Aristotle, The Big Daddy, etc., has hardly played like Superman lately and a flashback to his prime could help get the team and Prince James back on track. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the Cavs, or Shaq, or the Prince for that matter, but I do enjoy watching some good basketball and having them play well will help my chances to see a good game.
I can't help but have one North Carolina bash on here especially when it is something this good. I don't remember who posted it but there was a facebook status awhile back saying this, "The women's national championship game has now been set, UCONN women vs. North Carolina men." We all know Carolina actually isn't that bad but this year they have brought it on themselves.
Hey, the Gophers are bringing a winning streak to the Barn this Wednesday night against 4th rated Purdue. A win and a good showing in the Big Ten tourney, and they could be legitimately on the bubble for the NCAA tourney.
Check out this 4 second pin. I don't know if I've seen more of a dominant performance. The best thing is, the kid called it. Here's the article on that.
Hope you all have a good rest of the week and keep tuned into the Olympics. It is a rare event that we all should embrace.
Feb 12, 2010
Uga VII's Reign and PETA's Rain

Many of us or our families own a dog, have owned a dog, or aspire to own a dog or some similar animal or pet. There aren’t many dogs that are more famous than Georgia’s mascot named Uga. This past fall marked the death of the seventh bulldog mascot since 1956. Uga VII’s reign only last approximately one and a half seasons and that was enough for PETA to take a stand for what they think is right.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are the largest animal rights organization in the world, boasting over 2 million members. They focus their attention on four main areas of abuse: factory farms, in laboratories, in the clothing business, and in the entertainment industry. They have raised awareness about many different BAD animal situations but this is a new extreme (and joke) that needs to be talked about.
Ten days after the latest Uga died PETA released a statement saying they want a robot to take the place of an actual dog. What?!?!! Did I just hear that right!? They want a ROBOT to take the place of THE most spoiled dog ever to live on this planet? Don’t they ever THINK about what they say before they say it? Often times there are two words, common sense; which should be applied to whatever is going to come out of your mouth, and apparently PETA has yet to realize this.
I understand if a living mascot has to sit in a cage during the event or is treated harshly, but these bulldogs sit on bags of ice during the games to prevent overheating; and when they fly to some of the away games, they are traveling in an air conditioned dog house. I don’t think the human, who is in a costume, mascot could get ice bags to sit on or their own air conditioned cabin in the airplane if they paid for it themselves. There are more pressing needs in the animal world than to pick on a dog whose life can’t get any better; try cracking down on dog fighting, or puppy mills, or some other ‘unethical’ treatment of animals. I realize PETA is trying to do the right thing but maybe next time, actually look at the situation before raising a stink about a dawg that is probably treated better than your own dogs.
To learn more about the latest and past Uga's click here.
Big Ten Expansion
With news coming in heavy about another potential Big Ten expansion member (this time Texas), I thought it would be a great time to weigh in with my opinion. As a student of a Big Ten school, the University of Minnesota, I feel that adding a 12th member would be great. Good things always come in 12's: muffins, days of Christmas, Ocean's Twelve, and most importantly, The 12th Man...in the Huddle. Either expand or the Big Ten Commission could just do the right thing and shut down Wisconsin. With that occurrence seemingly unlikely, the best option would be to steal a team from another conference. The obvious choice would be Notre Dame, but other possibilities include Rutgers, Missouri, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Nebraska, and Texas.
Notre Dame - Notre Dame is the team that is favored by the BTC (Big Ten Commission) and also the team that makes the most sense. With the strong academic record, huge endowments, a large fan base, and an athletic department with proven success, it seems like all that should be necessary is signing on the dotted line. They already play many of the Big Ten teams and the location of the university would make traveling easy. However, the Fighting Irish enjoy being an independent, meaning they don't have to share revenues and can sign with a national TV network. Rather than playing in one of the most prestigious conferences, Notre Dame will most likely continue to deny all conference offers until the TV deals stop coming. I would place the odds of them joining at 20:1 unless the Big Ten steps up their efforts to secure this big win.
Rutgers - Although Rutgers is a fine academic institution and have had some success in the athletic department, but not as much as their competition, they don't bring the large amounts of endowment that other Big Ten school obtain. Considering that Iowa has the lowest amount at about $1.0 billion, Rutgers would be by far the least endowed school in the conference. This would would seem to be a bad business strategy for the Big Ten because they have been doing fine without the 12th team for 20 years. The BTC is more than likely to approve of one of the big money schools before they look to accept Rutgers. Odds for them would be about 10:1.
Missouri - The Mizzou Tigers have been the team that has been tossed around as the most likely suitor for the 12th spot. However, they don't belong to many of the academic organizations that the Big Ten schools are involved with so it remains to be seen how that will be treated. Mizzou has a perfect location so travel would be easy, endowments are fairly relative to the current schools, and athletically they would fit right into the mix. I would place Missouri towards the top of the list and have their odds at 5:1 to join.
Pittsburgh - Pitt is another school that is definitely in the mix to join. They stack up well with every category that the BTC will be looking at. High academic record, strong athletic programs, large market for the Big Ten Networks expansion, and equally large funds coming in. This would bring Penn States rival back into the same conference and that would finally appease Joe Paterno. The only knock that can be found for them is the fact that many Big Ten purists want to keep the conference in the mid-west and stop the expansion out east. Another issue is the Big East requires a 27-month notice before a team leaves. If Pitt is indeed the team, they will have to notify the Big East sometime soon so that a Big Ten Championship can be in place for 2012. Pitt would probably be my favorite team to join besides Notre Dame and I would give them the odds at 4:1.
Cincinnati - Personally, I don't see Cincy matching with the Big Ten at all. They haven't even been a BCS school for that long, since 2005, and are trying to move to the best conference out there. I just added them to the list because of the rumors about them being a team considered. The Big Ten already has the best team in Ohio with the Buckeyes and nothing else besides location ties Cincy in. Odds are at 20:1 with the only chance being if the Big Ten decided to become the Big Sixteen or if they got denied by every other university on this list.
Nebraska - The 'Huskers have a solid program in football and match up very well with what the Big Ten is searching for. They have great athletic programs all around, however, their men's basketball program is extremely lacking, and more than likely, the Big Ten also wants a team that can compete in the second largest of college athletics. Northwestern would love it because they wouldn't be the only team left in the conference never to have won an NCAA tournament game. It depends on what they are looking for, but there seem to be strong options out there than Nebraska at this point. Chances for them would be about 10:1.
Texas - Texas would be the prized gem for the committee if Notre Dame is impossible to coerce. They have huge funds, a national powerhouse in football, a basketball program that is on the rise, strong academics, and an enormous fan base. So what is the problem with Texas? They are in Texas. This rumor is probably completely false and will likely never happen. It looks all and well for the football and basketball programs, but what about travel for the smaller athletic teams? It would be costly for travel. Also, I have a feeling that the Longhorns would be a little bit afraid of the snow come fall. Big Ten teams have different teams than most universities down south. Winter weather plays a major role in recruiting and Mack Brown would be none too pleased to have to tell star recruits that 2 times a year they would have to play in temperatures that dip below freezing. Also, why would they choose to get rid of the huge rivalries that they have with the Big 12 teams? Going after Texas makes as much sense as if they went after Florida or USC. I'm not even going to put odds on this one because there is a 0% chance of it going through.
For all you non-math majors out there, I have a calculation of 75% of the Big Ten making an announcement for expansion this year. I would give it 20% of non-expansion, 3% of finding a team that isn't on this list, and a 2% chance of taking on 3 or 5 teams to become the Big Fourteen/Sixteen. The most interesting thing to me is the fact that if they pick up only one more team, they still won't have a name for the conference. Being the Big Ten with eleven teams is silly enough, but what happens if they get that 12th team? Some of the teams would eliminate the hope of being called the Midwest Conference and the Big 12 is already taken. If they do reach this obstacle, I would definitely recommend The 12th Team...in the Conference. If this blog achieves nothing else I hope that it will land me on the Big Ten/Ten+2/Fourteen/Sixteen's naming commission.
Future Big Ten Name Commissioner,
We just started up a new Streak for the Cash group on ESPN.com. If you haven't tried this game out, I highly recommend it. What it consists of is picking certain games and trying to build up the longest streak for the month. If you win then you get $100,000 so its not a bad way to waste some time. Plus as an added bonus, if you lead the group for the month, we will let you do an honorary blog post. You can check it out here. Also, make sure to follow us on Twitter here and Facebook here.
Make sure you check back for daily updates and add us to your bookmarks. And since this was a long post, I thought I would add a video of some funny sports bloopers. Enjoy and have a great weekend.
Notre Dame - Notre Dame is the team that is favored by the BTC (Big Ten Commission) and also the team that makes the most sense. With the strong academic record, huge endowments, a large fan base, and an athletic department with proven success, it seems like all that should be necessary is signing on the dotted line. They already play many of the Big Ten teams and the location of the university would make traveling easy. However, the Fighting Irish enjoy being an independent, meaning they don't have to share revenues and can sign with a national TV network. Rather than playing in one of the most prestigious conferences, Notre Dame will most likely continue to deny all conference offers until the TV deals stop coming. I would place the odds of them joining at 20:1 unless the Big Ten steps up their efforts to secure this big win.
Rutgers - Although Rutgers is a fine academic institution and have had some success in the athletic department, but not as much as their competition, they don't bring the large amounts of endowment that other Big Ten school obtain. Considering that Iowa has the lowest amount at about $1.0 billion, Rutgers would be by far the least endowed school in the conference. This would would seem to be a bad business strategy for the Big Ten because they have been doing fine without the 12th team for 20 years. The BTC is more than likely to approve of one of the big money schools before they look to accept Rutgers. Odds for them would be about 10:1.
Missouri - The Mizzou Tigers have been the team that has been tossed around as the most likely suitor for the 12th spot. However, they don't belong to many of the academic organizations that the Big Ten schools are involved with so it remains to be seen how that will be treated. Mizzou has a perfect location so travel would be easy, endowments are fairly relative to the current schools, and athletically they would fit right into the mix. I would place Missouri towards the top of the list and have their odds at 5:1 to join.
Pittsburgh - Pitt is another school that is definitely in the mix to join. They stack up well with every category that the BTC will be looking at. High academic record, strong athletic programs, large market for the Big Ten Networks expansion, and equally large funds coming in. This would bring Penn States rival back into the same conference and that would finally appease Joe Paterno. The only knock that can be found for them is the fact that many Big Ten purists want to keep the conference in the mid-west and stop the expansion out east. Another issue is the Big East requires a 27-month notice before a team leaves. If Pitt is indeed the team, they will have to notify the Big East sometime soon so that a Big Ten Championship can be in place for 2012. Pitt would probably be my favorite team to join besides Notre Dame and I would give them the odds at 4:1.
Cincinnati - Personally, I don't see Cincy matching with the Big Ten at all. They haven't even been a BCS school for that long, since 2005, and are trying to move to the best conference out there. I just added them to the list because of the rumors about them being a team considered. The Big Ten already has the best team in Ohio with the Buckeyes and nothing else besides location ties Cincy in. Odds are at 20:1 with the only chance being if the Big Ten decided to become the Big Sixteen or if they got denied by every other university on this list.
Nebraska - The 'Huskers have a solid program in football and match up very well with what the Big Ten is searching for. They have great athletic programs all around, however, their men's basketball program is extremely lacking, and more than likely, the Big Ten also wants a team that can compete in the second largest of college athletics. Northwestern would love it because they wouldn't be the only team left in the conference never to have won an NCAA tournament game. It depends on what they are looking for, but there seem to be strong options out there than Nebraska at this point. Chances for them would be about 10:1.
Texas - Texas would be the prized gem for the committee if Notre Dame is impossible to coerce. They have huge funds, a national powerhouse in football, a basketball program that is on the rise, strong academics, and an enormous fan base. So what is the problem with Texas? They are in Texas. This rumor is probably completely false and will likely never happen. It looks all and well for the football and basketball programs, but what about travel for the smaller athletic teams? It would be costly for travel. Also, I have a feeling that the Longhorns would be a little bit afraid of the snow come fall. Big Ten teams have different teams than most universities down south. Winter weather plays a major role in recruiting and Mack Brown would be none too pleased to have to tell star recruits that 2 times a year they would have to play in temperatures that dip below freezing. Also, why would they choose to get rid of the huge rivalries that they have with the Big 12 teams? Going after Texas makes as much sense as if they went after Florida or USC. I'm not even going to put odds on this one because there is a 0% chance of it going through.
For all you non-math majors out there, I have a calculation of 75% of the Big Ten making an announcement for expansion this year. I would give it 20% of non-expansion, 3% of finding a team that isn't on this list, and a 2% chance of taking on 3 or 5 teams to become the Big Fourteen/Sixteen. The most interesting thing to me is the fact that if they pick up only one more team, they still won't have a name for the conference. Being the Big Ten with eleven teams is silly enough, but what happens if they get that 12th team? Some of the teams would eliminate the hope of being called the Midwest Conference and the Big 12 is already taken. If they do reach this obstacle, I would definitely recommend The 12th Team...in the Conference. If this blog achieves nothing else I hope that it will land me on the Big Ten/Ten+2/Fourteen/Sixteen's naming commission.
Future Big Ten Name Commissioner,
We just started up a new Streak for the Cash group on ESPN.com. If you haven't tried this game out, I highly recommend it. What it consists of is picking certain games and trying to build up the longest streak for the month. If you win then you get $100,000 so its not a bad way to waste some time. Plus as an added bonus, if you lead the group for the month, we will let you do an honorary blog post. You can check it out here. Also, make sure to follow us on Twitter here and Facebook here.
Make sure you check back for daily updates and add us to your bookmarks. And since this was a long post, I thought I would add a video of some funny sports bloopers. Enjoy and have a great weekend.
Feb 10, 2010
Joe Mauer -- Hometown Hero
Hello all. Something that I’m sure many of you are following is Joe Mauer's contract situation. I’ve lived in Minnesota my entire life and have loved the way that the Twins play baseball since I can remember. Four players have always stood out as being my favorites: Kirby Puckett, Torii Hunter, Johan Santana, and Joe Mauer. Only one of them remains with the Twins organization and hopefully he will be sticking around for a long time. Recently, talks have been heating up with rumored deals and both sides are saying that it is just a matter of time.
As much as I love the rest of the Twins players and the entire organization, Santana and Hunter are still greatly missed. Hunter's magnificent catches were usually a highlight of my day and it always felt special to have seen the catch live before it would inevitably appear on the Sportscenter Top Plays. The passion and the way that he played the game was always a fun thing to watch, and because of him, my favorite part of baseball is still watching an outfielder snag a home run away from the batter. Eventually, Hunter became yet another All-Star that was too big to fit within the Twins payroll so he left for the big bucks in Los Angeles. He rejected the 3 year $45 million contract to take a 5 year $90 million one. I always thought that Hunter would forever protect Minnesota pitchers in the Metrodome but I guess some things just don’t last forever. He is still one of my favorite players but it is hard to watch him in an Angel’s uniform.
It was a little easier seeing Johan Santana leave but only because the initial punch to the gut from Hunter leaving softened the blow from Santana getting traded to the Mets. He was the first pitcher that I remember marking down on the calendar the games that he would be pitching. I still remember his 17 strikeout game, wishing I would have been there because one of my good friends got to go. But at the end of the season, as it is customary for all small market baseball fans, you could just feel that he was soon on his way out. He rejected a 5 year $100 million offer from the Twins and was soon sent packing to the Mets. It was always easy to blame the Twins management for not dishing out the cash for these big players, but looking back I don’t think it would have been good to pay a pitcher 25% of your payroll. It would be hard for any team to justify that.
This winter, it seems as though everything has changed for the Twins. A new ballpark, a trade for a proven player in Hardy, two big name signings, and the possibility of signing one of the top 5 players in baseball to a long term contract. They also recently inked this old time Twin to a minor league deal. Joe Mauer is the face of the Minnesota Twins right now and if they let him walk, I’m not sure if the team would ever recover. With the new ballpark ready for action, the chances that Mauer is not going to get lock down seem to be slim to none. The hometown kid doesn’t seem like the player to take a simple pay cut to stay with his cities team, but he strikes me as the kind of player to take a massive one. Now this isn’t to say that the Twins should just low ball him, but his agent has been in negotiations with some big time ball players who have stuck around with one team, such as Cal Ripken, Jr. and Kirby Puckett. If the Twins can finally make the right move and keep their franchise players around (already have Morneau, Cuddyer, and Kubel under multi-year deals and hopefully soon to be Span) the prospects of a World Series title coming back to Minnesota are certainly looking up.
As much as I love the rest of the Twins players and the entire organization, Santana and Hunter are still greatly missed. Hunter's magnificent catches were usually a highlight of my day and it always felt special to have seen the catch live before it would inevitably appear on the Sportscenter Top Plays. The passion and the way that he played the game was always a fun thing to watch, and because of him, my favorite part of baseball is still watching an outfielder snag a home run away from the batter. Eventually, Hunter became yet another All-Star that was too big to fit within the Twins payroll so he left for the big bucks in Los Angeles. He rejected the 3 year $45 million contract to take a 5 year $90 million one. I always thought that Hunter would forever protect Minnesota pitchers in the Metrodome but I guess some things just don’t last forever. He is still one of my favorite players but it is hard to watch him in an Angel’s uniform.
It was a little easier seeing Johan Santana leave but only because the initial punch to the gut from Hunter leaving softened the blow from Santana getting traded to the Mets. He was the first pitcher that I remember marking down on the calendar the games that he would be pitching. I still remember his 17 strikeout game, wishing I would have been there because one of my good friends got to go. But at the end of the season, as it is customary for all small market baseball fans, you could just feel that he was soon on his way out. He rejected a 5 year $100 million offer from the Twins and was soon sent packing to the Mets. It was always easy to blame the Twins management for not dishing out the cash for these big players, but looking back I don’t think it would have been good to pay a pitcher 25% of your payroll. It would be hard for any team to justify that.
This winter, it seems as though everything has changed for the Twins. A new ballpark, a trade for a proven player in Hardy, two big name signings, and the possibility of signing one of the top 5 players in baseball to a long term contract. They also recently inked this old time Twin to a minor league deal. Joe Mauer is the face of the Minnesota Twins right now and if they let him walk, I’m not sure if the team would ever recover. With the new ballpark ready for action, the chances that Mauer is not going to get lock down seem to be slim to none. The hometown kid doesn’t seem like the player to take a simple pay cut to stay with his cities team, but he strikes me as the kind of player to take a massive one. Now this isn’t to say that the Twins should just low ball him, but his agent has been in negotiations with some big time ball players who have stuck around with one team, such as Cal Ripken, Jr. and Kirby Puckett. If the Twins can finally make the right move and keep their franchise players around (already have Morneau, Cuddyer, and Kubel under multi-year deals and hopefully soon to be Span) the prospects of a World Series title coming back to Minnesota are certainly looking up.
Feb 9, 2010
SI Swimsuit Issue
Hello all. One of the greatest things in sports arrived once again this week. And no, I'm not talking about another USC quarterback being linked with a smoking hot babe. I'm talking of course about the SI Swimsuit Issue. Now, the reason I'm bring this up is because Brooklyn Decker is a huge Tar Heel fan. After Aaron took a couple of cheap shots at my Heels, I thought I would have to step up to defend them and Brooklyn Decker is the ultimate trump card I can pull out. Whether the Heels win or lose against Duke tomorrow, I think we can all be considered winners with this years issue.
Rivalry Week
Hello all. Throughout each college basketball season there are many games played that will not be forgotten for a long time. Last year's instant classic, six overtime thriller between Syracuse and UCONN was one great example. Without thinking too far into it I think it's the best basketball game I have ever watched. The schedule makers try to plan those games out, hence the games highlighted by ESPN's coverage of Rivalry Week.
This years games provide some marquee match-ups and last night Big Monday provided two intense and emotional games. Being the biggest Kansas Jayhawks fan in the state of Minnesota (besides Cole Aldrich's family perhaps) I was ecstatic when Texas started shooting worse than 3rd grade girls, most of whom can't get the ball up to the rim. After a 22-0 run on Kansas' behalf I couldn't help but be amazed not by the Jayhawks offense, but by their defensive dominance and perfection. The only other place to see that kind of swarming defense is in the Big 10 and many people argue that their defense is more of a lack of offense than anything else...
...The lack of offense topic brings me to what is usually the centerfold game of Rivalry Week. There is literally nothing like a basketball game between North Carolina and Duke. Usually, a match-up between two of the premiere teams in the country, this rivalry is bigger than any Yankees/Red Sox series or a Vikings/Packers game. This year is slightly different. Instead of being a top team this season, North Carolina seems to have taken a step back and is simply a premiere program and not a team. If you haven't followed close enough here is a quick recap of their last game.
As I continue to post more you all will come to realize my hatred for North Carolina basketball in general. I can't explain the source of this hate but I have to venture a guess to a combination of the following: 1) Roy Williams leaving Kansas for UNC and Kansas replacing him with a guy I hardly LOVE. 2) My brother Matt's (one year and 18 days younger than me) favorite team is UNC. 3) Derek's favorite team is UNC.
When it comes time for the game to start I will be wearing my one Duke t-shirt. There is only two (sometimes three) days a year that I know what I will be wearing way ahead of time. My world won't come to an end if UNC pulls out the unlikely victory tomorrow night because I have been alive long enough to see them win a ton of games. However, if they do lose (and the way they've been playing, the Gophers could play close to them right now) needless to say I will be completely content for one night this week.
At one point last night the Kansas defense had 10 blocks and 12 steals. To give credit where some credit is due, Texas did make a run over the course of the 2nd half to cut the lead down to six points but by that point in the game it was just a formality to keep playing. I do believe Texas has a good team and that they will be a sweet sixteen team when the tourney rolls around, but it's hard to ignore the fact that Kansas is a legitimate contender especially after a performance like that last night. Don't forget to check out ALL of the games during Rivalry Week on ESPN and throughout the rest of the season on all sorts of different networks. Here is ESPN's interactive schedule for this week so you don't miss a classic like last year. I am a company man. (Podcast shout out).
This years games provide some marquee match-ups and last night Big Monday provided two intense and emotional games. Being the biggest Kansas Jayhawks fan in the state of Minnesota (besides Cole Aldrich's family perhaps) I was ecstatic when Texas started shooting worse than 3rd grade girls, most of whom can't get the ball up to the rim. After a 22-0 run on Kansas' behalf I couldn't help but be amazed not by the Jayhawks offense, but by their defensive dominance and perfection. The only other place to see that kind of swarming defense is in the Big 10 and many people argue that their defense is more of a lack of offense than anything else...
...The lack of offense topic brings me to what is usually the centerfold game of Rivalry Week. There is literally nothing like a basketball game between North Carolina and Duke. Usually, a match-up between two of the premiere teams in the country, this rivalry is bigger than any Yankees/Red Sox series or a Vikings/Packers game. This year is slightly different. Instead of being a top team this season, North Carolina seems to have taken a step back and is simply a premiere program and not a team. If you haven't followed close enough here is a quick recap of their last game.
As I continue to post more you all will come to realize my hatred for North Carolina basketball in general. I can't explain the source of this hate but I have to venture a guess to a combination of the following: 1) Roy Williams leaving Kansas for UNC and Kansas replacing him with a guy I hardly LOVE. 2) My brother Matt's (one year and 18 days younger than me) favorite team is UNC. 3) Derek's favorite team is UNC.
When it comes time for the game to start I will be wearing my one Duke t-shirt. There is only two (sometimes three) days a year that I know what I will be wearing way ahead of time. My world won't come to an end if UNC pulls out the unlikely victory tomorrow night because I have been alive long enough to see them win a ton of games. However, if they do lose (and the way they've been playing, the Gophers could play close to them right now) needless to say I will be completely content for one night this week.
At one point last night the Kansas defense had 10 blocks and 12 steals. To give credit where some credit is due, Texas did make a run over the course of the 2nd half to cut the lead down to six points but by that point in the game it was just a formality to keep playing. I do believe Texas has a good team and that they will be a sweet sixteen team when the tourney rolls around, but it's hard to ignore the fact that Kansas is a legitimate contender especially after a performance like that last night. Don't forget to check out ALL of the games during Rivalry Week on ESPN and throughout the rest of the season on all sorts of different networks. Here is ESPN's interactive schedule for this week so you don't miss a classic like last year. I am a company man. (Podcast shout out).
Feb 8, 2010
Top 10 Failures of the Week
Hello all. It is time to announce this weeks Top 10 Failures. Let's start it off with number 10. Phil Mickelson's wedge caused quite a stir, and even though I love Phil, using a club that you find in your garage to try to get around the rules can help find your way onto this list. Scott McCarron has been flip flopping back and forth on whether he thinks Phil is cheating or just bending the rules and this debacle probably hasn't been what Phil wanted since taking over for Tiger as the king of the swing.
On to number 9, the Pro Bowl preceding the Super Bowl. First of all, no one cares about the Pro Bowl. Second, there are some players that actually want to go, especially if it is their first selection. And finally, just look at the rosters. Are 8 of the 16 AFC quarterbacks really deserving of a Pro Bowl selection? If it is suppose to be an honor to be selected, well this is an awful way of showing it.
Number 8. Tiger Woods Affair. Yeah, yeah, I know everyone is sick of hearing about it. Did you hear Tiger changed his name to Cheetah? What's the difference between a car and a golf ball? Tiger can drive a ball 400 yards. I know they are all getting old by now but this is still one of the biggest failures around.
Number 7. Allen Iverson being voted in as an All-Star. This is a game for the fans but it is still a joke. Many of the voters probably didn't recognize the new stars of the league and voted him in by name only. Sorry AI but the only Answer to this problem is for you to fake an injury.
Number 6. The NCAA's talks to expand the basketball tournament to 96 teams. This would be an absolute disgrace. I'm a huge fan of the North Carolina Tar Heels and the Minnesota Golden Gophers but at this point, I don't feel like either team is deserving of a tournament selection. While both teams definitely have a chance to turn it around, with the change to 96 teams, both would be locks to make it. This completely takes away the meaning of having a regular season. Seems backwards that the NCAA wants college football's regular season to mean so much but at the same time throw college basketball's under the bus. Just goes to show how much an extra buck means to collegiate sports.
Number 5. The Texas Longhorns slump after reaching number 1. Losing 4 of 6 is bad enough for any team, but for a potential number 1 seed? Come on. However, this could all change with a big win over Kansas tonight. Aaron is a big Jayhawks fan so I wouldn't mind getting the chance to remove this from the list next week.
Number 4. The New Jersey Nets. This could definitely be number one but how much can we beat up on a team that is this unlucky? Well at least it isn't the Timberwolves anymore.
Number 3. Warren Sapp's battery charges. Sapp supposedly assaulted a woman because she wouldn't leave his room when he was expecting company. Where did her swollen knee and bruises come from? Sapp says she fell when he tried to help her off the couch. You stay classy Warren!
Number 2. Lane Kiffin offers scholarship to 13-year-old. This is just absurd. I've coached little league baseball for the previous 2 summers and can tell you from experience, no 11, 12, or 13 year old is mature enough to start thinking about his future at that age. Now, I'll be the first to tell you that this kid is good, but how about we let kids be kids? Maybe I'm just jealous that this kids is more successful at 13 than I will probably be in my entire life but this is still a complete joke.
And now for number 1, Bryant McKinnie getting kicked off the NFC Pro Bowl team. Now, he may have actually just been hurt and the trainers failed to inform this team, as he claims, but based off of his twitter account, he definitely didn't have any troubles with injuries to stop him from hitting up the clubs. While I'm on the subject of Twitter, don't forget to follow us at 12thManInTheHud. Well, that's it for this weeks Top 10 Failures. Questions, comments, suggestions? Something that we missed? Leave a comment below or send an email to the12thmaninthehuddle@gmail.com and we will try to make amends for it next week.
On to number 9, the Pro Bowl preceding the Super Bowl. First of all, no one cares about the Pro Bowl. Second, there are some players that actually want to go, especially if it is their first selection. And finally, just look at the rosters. Are 8 of the 16 AFC quarterbacks really deserving of a Pro Bowl selection? If it is suppose to be an honor to be selected, well this is an awful way of showing it.
Number 8. Tiger Woods Affair. Yeah, yeah, I know everyone is sick of hearing about it. Did you hear Tiger changed his name to Cheetah? What's the difference between a car and a golf ball? Tiger can drive a ball 400 yards. I know they are all getting old by now but this is still one of the biggest failures around.
Number 7. Allen Iverson being voted in as an All-Star. This is a game for the fans but it is still a joke. Many of the voters probably didn't recognize the new stars of the league and voted him in by name only. Sorry AI but the only Answer to this problem is for you to fake an injury.
Number 6. The NCAA's talks to expand the basketball tournament to 96 teams. This would be an absolute disgrace. I'm a huge fan of the North Carolina Tar Heels and the Minnesota Golden Gophers but at this point, I don't feel like either team is deserving of a tournament selection. While both teams definitely have a chance to turn it around, with the change to 96 teams, both would be locks to make it. This completely takes away the meaning of having a regular season. Seems backwards that the NCAA wants college football's regular season to mean so much but at the same time throw college basketball's under the bus. Just goes to show how much an extra buck means to collegiate sports.
Number 5. The Texas Longhorns slump after reaching number 1. Losing 4 of 6 is bad enough for any team, but for a potential number 1 seed? Come on. However, this could all change with a big win over Kansas tonight. Aaron is a big Jayhawks fan so I wouldn't mind getting the chance to remove this from the list next week.
Number 4. The New Jersey Nets. This could definitely be number one but how much can we beat up on a team that is this unlucky? Well at least it isn't the Timberwolves anymore.
Number 3. Warren Sapp's battery charges. Sapp supposedly assaulted a woman because she wouldn't leave his room when he was expecting company. Where did her swollen knee and bruises come from? Sapp says she fell when he tried to help her off the couch. You stay classy Warren!
Number 2. Lane Kiffin offers scholarship to 13-year-old. This is just absurd. I've coached little league baseball for the previous 2 summers and can tell you from experience, no 11, 12, or 13 year old is mature enough to start thinking about his future at that age. Now, I'll be the first to tell you that this kid is good, but how about we let kids be kids? Maybe I'm just jealous that this kids is more successful at 13 than I will probably be in my entire life but this is still a complete joke.
And now for number 1, Bryant McKinnie getting kicked off the NFC Pro Bowl team. Now, he may have actually just been hurt and the trainers failed to inform this team, as he claims, but based off of his twitter account, he definitely didn't have any troubles with injuries to stop him from hitting up the clubs. While I'm on the subject of Twitter, don't forget to follow us at 12thManInTheHud. Well, that's it for this weeks Top 10 Failures. Questions, comments, suggestions? Something that we missed? Leave a comment below or send an email to the12thmaninthehuddle@gmail.com and we will try to make amends for it next week.
Seantral Henderson
Hello all. Just a quick word out about one of the top recruits in the nation, Seantrel Henderson. There was a story on the Star Trib website today that caught my eye, and all signs of him going to USC aren't quite true. Click here to read the full story. I would be excited if I happened to be an Ohio State, Notre Dame, Miami, Florida, etc. fan...there is still a shot.
About the Failures and Quote of the Week
Hello all. Just thought I would let you all in on our plans for our "of the Week" parts of the blog. The Quote of the Week is pretty self explanatory; if there is something stupid that an athlete says or if there is something funny or we find particularity in line with our blog, we will post it for the world to share. As for the Failures of the Week, this is going to be a ranking of the biggest failures in the world of sport. We plan on updating this weekly and it doesn't pertain to only things that have occurred in the recent week, if something is a massive failure (looking at you New Jersey Nets and Tiger Woods) then it will remain on the Failures of the Week for two, three, or more weeks in a row. Sorry for the short post but that's all I've got for tonight.
Feb 7, 2010
Welcome to The 12th Man's Blog
Hello all and welcome to our blog. The 12th Man is a blog that will help others cope with the losses and devastation that can come with sports. As many of you may have witnessed a couple of weeks ago, the Minnesota Vikings threw away their best chance in over a decade of making it to the Super Bowl. The cause, an extra player was in the huddle listening to Brett Favre describe how we could choke away another shot at a title. If you haven't figured out how all of this relates to our name of The 12th Man, well I might consider that you move onto the next blog that you can find.
The writers will consist primarily of myself and my good friend Aaron. We may also have some other guests appear over time to weigh in with their two cents in case we get a little out of control. We are both huge Minnesota sport fans so we will definitely have our say about the latest happenings around our great state but we also want to reflect on other sport teams around the globe. Also, as our name suggests, we will have some fun with other failures in the sports world. Our Quote of the Week and Top Failures of the Week will focus on those failures.
Our main purpose of The 12th Man is to provide some entertaining input in the world of sports. We are both huge sport fans that will contribute our knowledge on many different on and off the field things that take place. We will try to post as often as possible and update the failures and quotes weekly but as college students, we occasionally have homework and class to attend. Please contribute anything that you want and spread the word about our new blog.
The writers will consist primarily of myself and my good friend Aaron. We may also have some other guests appear over time to weigh in with their two cents in case we get a little out of control. We are both huge Minnesota sport fans so we will definitely have our say about the latest happenings around our great state but we also want to reflect on other sport teams around the globe. Also, as our name suggests, we will have some fun with other failures in the sports world. Our Quote of the Week and Top Failures of the Week will focus on those failures.
Our main purpose of The 12th Man is to provide some entertaining input in the world of sports. We are both huge sport fans that will contribute our knowledge on many different on and off the field things that take place. We will try to post as often as possible and update the failures and quotes weekly but as college students, we occasionally have homework and class to attend. Please contribute anything that you want and spread the word about our new blog.
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